Friday, August 10, 2012

Simple and Nutritious Foods To Sharpen And Improve Your Brain Power

Science has long told you what needs to be done to efficiently power your brain for sharp thinking. You have experienced the foggy brain that comes from not sleeping enough, so you make a point to go to bed at a regular time and sleep as restfully as you can. Stress has also been well publicized as bad news for the brain, so most people now try to cut out stress, even if that means cutting stressful people out of their lives. What you may not know yet is that the foods you choose to feed your body will either sabotage or improve your brain power. You must deliver nutrient-rich foods to your brain on a daily basis if you are serious about becoming the smartest, clearest thinking version of yourself possible. The healthiest foods for your brain happen to be some of the simplest to find, so start eating up and boosting your brain power today. Salmon for Omega 3s UCLA conducted research into the effects of sugar and omega 3 fatty acids on mice, and Forbes magazine reported in 2012 that the results showed omega 3 to be better for the brain. Mice were required to go through a maze after consuming a diet of sugar, omega 3s, or a simple diet without omega 3 or sugar. The omega 3 group did the best in the maze, while the rats on sugar performed the worst. Obviously, there is something in omega 3 fats that powers your brain for enhanced thinking. Any type of fatty fish can provide omega 3, although salmon has become the highest suggested source. Green vegetables can also contain omega 3, though in smaller concentrations so you have to eat more. The easiest way to consume your needed omega 3 fatty acid is through a daily supplement. Complex Carbs You will never get the best results from your brain without supplying energy from healthy sources. This is why you may find it more difficult to focus or concentrate when you are on a very restrictive diet. The brain needs healthy energy on a consistent basis if it is to function properly. Whole grain carbohydrates come from whole grain foods that have not been refined, but can also be found heavily in fresh vegetables. Your bloodstream will receive a longer period of nourishment from when you consume these complex carbohydrates, which means a longer period of energy supply. Your brain functions best when it has this consistent flow of energy from the processing of complex carbohydrates. You will never get the same quality or length of energy from simple carbohydrates, which have been robbed of the fiber that makes complex carbohydrates so healthy. Your body is able to break simple carbohydrates down faster, but that produces a rush of energy that falls off quickly, leaving your brain without energy. A diet rich in complex carbs and low in simple carbs will always serve your brain better.

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