Friday, September 7, 2012

What should I wear to look thinner?

Large clothes

Many women do the same mistake: wear large clothes in order to hide the extra weight. Wrong. This kind of clothes will make you look fatter than you are. Choose clothes which fit you, make you look good, which are neither large nor tight.

Heels shoes

You can wear shoes which make you look taller as they will also help you look thinner.


The tunic outfit is in fashion again and you should take advantage at maximum of it, especially if you have problems with the belly.


If you have problems at the bottom and at the thighs, the most indicated pair of trousers is the right one.

Avoid folds

Avoid as much as you can clothes which have folds, they won’t help you look thinner, on the contrary. They will add some extra kilos to your silhouette and you surely don’t want that.

Dark colors

Everybody knows that black clothes make everybody look thinner, but that doesn’t means that you should always wear black from head to toe. Try choosing from a large number of colors such as brown, dark green, dark blue.

Forget belts

Belts aren’t your best friends right now so try avoiding them especially if you have a problem around waist. The belt will just attract the attention on the waist.

Attract the attention

On the beautiful parts of your body. Find something at your body (face, legs, hair) and be careful to attract always the attention on this part of the body.

5 Style Mistakes Even Smart Girls Make

We all make mistakes when it comes to fashion – that’s part of how you learn what not to do. That said, whether it’s due to laziness, misinformation, or just habit, there are some style mistakes that even the most fashion-forward girls seem to make at one point or another.
The following bad fashion habits could really be limiting your style. Read up on five of the most common fashion mistakes and learn a few tips on how to correct them below.
1. Waiting until the last minute to try new pieces on with your existing wardrobe.
The scenario: You go out shopping and find a fabulous top you love. Score! When you get home, you hang your new purchase in your closet and forget about it until it’s time to get ready to go somewhere, when you realize you don’t know what to pair it with. After a mad scramble, you give up trying to wear it because you’re already late enough as it is.
Why it’s a mistake: New outfit combinations don’t create themselves. If you want to get the most wardrobe bang for your buck, you have to try new things on with as much of your old stuff as possible!
Next time you go shopping, resist the urge to just hang a new item up in your closet immediately. Instead, take a few minutes to try your new piece on with things you already own. That way, you’ll know what outfits work and which don’t, avoiding the last minute rush to find something to wear.
2. Striving for a clothing color palette to rival a jumbo box of Crayolas.
The scenario: You’re a one-of-those-in-every-color kind of girl. Once you find a top thats flattering and inexpensive, you immediately buy it up in all the shades it comes in. Instead of worrying about which colors are the best for YOU, you simply want to diversify your closet, owning as many colorful options as possible.
Why it’s a mistake: I used to shop like this too, I won’t lie. You think you’re creating a versatile wardrobe when really you’re wasting money on things that don’t suit you.
The truth is, though, owning a top in every color is useless, because NO ONE, not even flawless models can pull off every color in the rainbow! You only need to buy colors that A. look good on you, B. work with the rest of your wardrobe, and C. reflect your personal style. So I know it’s tempting to buy that orange shirt in the off chance someday you’ll need to wear something orange, but here’s a hint: that day is not going to come. Just back away and buy something that works for you.
3. Letting imaginary flaws dictate what you “can” or “can’t” wear.
The scenario: When you see an outfit you LOVE on Kate Moss – it’s fun, fresh, unique, and SO your taste. You’d love to rock something similar but then you think to yourself “I could never wear that. My hips/thighs/breasts/ankles/insert-body-parts-here are WAY too large to make it work.” You forget the entire thing and vow to dress the way you want to once you lose 10 lbs.
Why it’s a mistake: While Kate Moss may be genetically superior to us mere mortals, there is no reason we can’t take any look she wears and make it work for us normal-sized ladies. An example of this is the skinny jeans trend. So many women with hips thought they couldn't wear skinnies, not realizing that pulling them off is all in the cut and wash. All it takes is the time and effort to find that perfect pair, and anyone can pull them off.
So the next time you find yourself saying “I could never wear that”, stop. You can wear whatever you want – you just need to be creative and find a way to interpret that look so it’ll work for you. 
4. Using color as a crutch.
The scenario: You know what colors work for you, or at least you think you do. You pretty much stick to the same three or four shades to keep things simple. After all, it’s not difficult to make your outfit match when everything you own is red, white, or black.
Why it’s a mistake: Now there’s nothing wrong with owning lots of black for example, but way too many women base their entire wardrobes around it. Even when you’re trying to save money, a basic wardrobe devoid of anything dramatic or interesting is boring!
Don’t be scared of possibly mismatching (rules like “never wear navy and black” are outdated anyway!) – just have fun and add a little more diversity to your wardrobe. After all, it’s better to make mistakes and learn from them than play it so safe that you’re boring. Live a little!
5. Letting yourself get into “uniform mode”.
The scenario: You’re so busy with classes, work and your social life that you pretty much wear the same outfits every day. You have a closet full of stuff but you keep repeating the same clothing combinations over and over. You often find yourself thinking “I have nothing to wear.”
Why it’s a mistake: While everyone does this to some extent (it’s not like we all have hours to spend in our closets), it’s a waste of a perfectly good wardrobe to not mix things up. You have way more options than you think in that closet – all it takes is some time and effort to come up with new looks!
Spend some time with your wardrobe each weekend – try things on, test out new combinations, and find unique ways to wear things you already own. Also, don’t be scared to wear things in unintended ways. A bandeau dress could become a high-waisted skirt, a scarf could become a belt, or a necklace could be worn as a cool headband. There are so many possibilities that there’s no excuse to let yourself get into a rut.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blouse designs

Latest Mehandi designs

Arabic Mehndi Designs For Hands are is very popular in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and became popular in other parts of the world. Mehndi is known as the art of the application of henna tattoos or drawings in various locations agency for special occasions and events. Mehndi designs by hand is usually used  for brides before the wedding day or other special occasions such as festivals and meetings to represent lushness and love.